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 Visual field test

June 04, 2022 452 people Latest news

The test may be performed by an expert in one of the various ways. The test may be performed by an expert directly, with the assistance of a machine, or absolutely by a robotized machine. Machine-based tests help diagnostics by allowing a point-by-point printout of the patient's visual field. A visual field test is an eye appraisal that can perceive brokenness in central and peripheral vision which may be achieved by various infirmities like glaucoma, stroke, pituitary disease, mind tumors, or other neurological deficiencies. Visual field testing can be performed clinically by keeping the subject's look fixed while presenting objects at various spots inside their visual field. Essential manual stuff can be used, for instance, in the straying screen test or the Amsler structure. At the point when a serious contraption is used it is known as a line. Various names for this test could integrate perimetry, Tangent screen test, Automated perimetry test, Goldmann visual field test, or brand names like Humphrey Field Analyzer, Octopus Perimeter, Optopol PTS edge, Oculus Easyfield line, Olleyes VisuALL, etc.

  • Visual field test in Ramesh Nagar
  • Visual field test in Sarita Vihar
  • Best Visual field test in Ramesh Nagar

For more details please contact us at 8800863699.

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